Unit introduction

In the past and present, measuring and evaluating science has been raised as a fact at the world level, because it has always been assumed that science can help the health and well-being of the inhabitants of the earth. Hence, identifying the most important people, institutions, universities and other factors related to scientific productions and activities can open the way and lay the foundation for communication, systematic scientific cooperation and information exchange in various fields. One of the most common methods of measuring scientific activities is the scientometric method, which is based on four main variables including authors, citations, references and publications. Scientometrics is one of the most common methods of evaluating scientific activities, and the continuous publication of scientometric indicators describing research in different scientific communities can be a useful and efficient element for managing research and policymaking and allocating budgets and facilities in science. Scientometrics can help balance between the budget and economic costs to some extent and increase the efficiency of research. The scientific measurement unit of the University of Medical Sciences started working in line with the above goals in 2018.


Quantitative study and measurement of scientific productions of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences

Measurement and publication of researchers' scientometric indicators

Monitoring internal and external rating systems

Description of duties of the unit

 Evaluation and introduction of scientific productions and top researchers of the university

 Completing and updating the information of university faculty members in the science measurement system

 Consolidation and integration of the variety of registration of researchers' names

 Informing and monitoring the correct insertion of address and affiliation in English and Farsi articles by university researchers

Continuous review and information regarding the indexing of scientific research journals of the university in reliable databases

 Management of the incentive system for published scientific articles

 Preparing and presenting related forms, guides and instructions through the website

 Preparing and presenting scientific news and reports from the scientific productions of university researchers

 Comparison of scientific indicators of the university with other universities

 Identifying and introducing highly cited articles, and studying and introducing the factors affecting high cited articles in the university

 Giving advice to researchers regarding journal evaluation indicators


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